Just Imagine…

The Alhadeff Sanctuary

Redefining majesty to serve new ways of worship and…

Parents and their little ones dancing in a circle for Tot Shabbat.
Worshipers gathered in the round for a Friday night service.
The full majesty of our sanctuary during the High Holy Days.


  • Moveable wall screens to demarcate the front and back of the sanctuary and create a sense of scale for smaller gatherings
  • Audiovisual upgrades to enhance in-person and virtual experiences
  • Flattening the floor and comfortable, flexible seating in the front half of the room, to accommodate services and programs of all sizes
  • New, fixed seating in the back of the sanctuary for High Holy Days and large community gatherings
  • Lowering of the bimah to bring clergy and congregants closer to each other
  • Accessibility lift to the bimah
  • Repairs and acoustic improvements to the dome, Seattle’s iconic Jewish structure
  • Customized lighting armature to illuminate gatherings of different sizes

Space Configurations